Monday, July 11, 2005

Keeping Families Together Act

Should loving parents have to give up custody of their child because the child has a mental illness?

Absolutely not – yet, every year thousands of families must make the heart-wrenching decision to give up custody of their ill child in order to receive mental health services. This is a decision no parent should have to make. Latest figures show that parents placed more than 12,700 children into the child welfare or juvenile justice systems so they could receive treatment. It is a national tragedy that in 2005, families must undergo such drastic measures to get care for a seriously-ill child.

Far too often, in order to get essential mental health services for their child, caring parents must make the choice of custody relinquishment – giving their child up to the state – so the child can qualify for care, or living in poverty in order to keep custody of their child. This inexcusable practice has to end. Custody relinquishment is not a rational choice for society and it’s no choice for families.

Too many children with mental disorders and their families have suffered too long because the system has failed them. State agencies consistently hear from families that seek help for their children, but are offered none.

Staying Together
Hopefully, help may soon be available. A piece of legislation called Keeping Families Together Act (H.R. 823 and S. 380) has recently been introduced to Congress. The bill’s main components include:

- Allocation of $55M to improve access to state mental health and support services for families
in danger of losing their children because they cannot afford mental health care.

- Creation of state interagency systems of care as an alternative to custody relinquishment.

- More efficient use of resources to care for children while allowing them to stay with their

- Increasing the availability of home and community-based services; improve collaboration
among agencies that serve children with mental health needs, including education, child
welfare and juvenile justice.

Click on both of the Action Alerts (one for your Senators and the other for Representatives) below to let Congress know they must support and pass this important legislation NOW!
Keeping Families Together Act 2005 -- Contact your representatives NOW!Keeping Families Together Act -- Help parents avoid cruel choices. Click Here.
Keeping Families Together Act 2005 -- Contact your senators.Custody or care? Contact your senators NOW! Click Here.